CLucene is a C++ version of Lucene, a high performance text search engine.
This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS 12.3 platform.
Download (HTTP):
Download MD5 sum: 48d647fbd8ef8889e5a7f422c1bfda94
Download size: 2.2 MB
Estimated disk space required: 78 MB
Estimated build time: 0.8 SBU
Install CLucene by running the following commands:
patch -Np1 -i ../clucene- && sed -i '/Misc.h/a #include <ctime>' src/core/CLucene/document/DateTools.cpp && mkdir build && cd build && cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -D BUILD_CONTRIBS_LIB=ON .. && make
Now, as the root
make install
This cmake variable enables building the CLucene contribs library
necessary for running applications that use language specific text
analyzers like LibreOffice for example.