Installing Util-linux-2.11y

Estimated build time:           0.09 SBU
Estimated required disk space:  9 MB

Contents of Util-linux

Last checked against version 2.11t.

The Util-linux package contains a number of miscellaneous utility programs. Some of the more prominent utilities are used to mount, unmount, format, partition and manage disk drives, open tty ports and fetch kernel messages.

Util-linux installs the following:

Program Files

agetty, arch, blockdev, cal, cfdisk, chkdupexe, col, colcrt, colrm, column, ctrlaltdel, cytune, ddate, dmesg, elvtune, fdformat, fdisk, fsck.cramfs, fsck.minix, getopt, hexdump, hwclock, ipcrm, ipcs, isosize, line, logger, look, losetup, mcookie, mkfs, mkfs.bfs, mkfs.cramfs, mkfs.minix, mkswap, more, mount, namei, parse.bash, parse.tcsh, pg, pivot_root, ramsize (link to rdev), raw, rdev, readprofile, rename, renice, rev, rootflags (link to rdev), script, setfdprm, setsid, setterm, sfdisk, swapoff (link to swapon), swapon, test.bash, test.tcsh, tunelp, ul, umount, vidmode (link to rdev), whereis and write


Util-linux Installation Dependencies

Last checked against version 2.11n.

Bash: sh
Binutils: as, ld
Diffutils: cmp
Fileutils: chgrp, chmod, cp, install, ln, mv, rm
Gettext: msgfmt, xgettext
Gcc: cc, cc1, collect2, cpp, cpp0
Glibc: rpcgen
Grep: grep
Make: make
Sed: sed
Sh-utils: uname, whoami
Textutils: cat


Installation of Util-linux

Prepare Util-linux to be compiled:

LDFLAGS="-static" ./configure

Begin compiling the package:

make -C lib

We only need the mount and umount programs at the moment, so we won't be compiling the entire package. Compile these two programs by issuing the following command:

make -C mount mount umount

Finish installing these two programs:

cp mount/{mount,umount} $LFS/static/bin